The Peoples’ (OUMA) Council of the Peoples’ Democratic Republic of Algeria


Current Presiding Officer

H.E. Saleh Goudjil

The Ouma Council is made up of 142 members. Out of this number, 86 members are elected while 46 members are appointed. The Council has 132 Males and 10 Females members; all drawn from respectable members of the society and some are former high-ranking Government officials.

Two third of the members are elected indirectly through local Councils and secret balloting while one third are appointed by the President of the Republic in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. The members have mandate duration of six years. The Council can remove a member before the end of the tenure if he is found guilty of a case against him after due investigation. According to the provisions of the constitution, the chamber cannot be dissolved.

When a bill is introduced, deliberated upon and passed by the Peoples National Council (Lower House). It is then sent to the Council for analysis. The Peoples Council sits in two sessions every year, each lasting no longer than five months, but can also hold emergency sessions upon a call by the President or by a two third majority request.


The Presiding Officer of the Council is the President. He is elected directly by members of the Council by absolute majority of votes for and an extendable tenure of three years. He can also be removed by the Council before the end of his tenure if found to be ineffective. He can retain his seat as a member when removed.


1. General Administration of the Council and securing order.
2. He presides over the meetings and represents the Council internally and internationally.
3. He takes charge of joint sessions of the upper and lower chambers.
4. He acts as the President of the Republic when there is vacancy.

He is the number 2 man in the Republic’s order of precedence that is after the President of the country.
Other Principal Officers of the Council are at the five Deputies to the President. They are elected by Council for one year which is extendable and can also be removed by the same procedures if found wanting.

1. Distribution of Draft Bills on timely basis.
2. Securing of order at Plenary Sessions.
3. Coordination of meeting schedules with the Government.
4. Take decisions with the President on systems of balloting in the Council on the application of the rules of procedures.
5. Study the Council’s budget.
6. Preside over the meetings when the President is absent.

The Peoples’ Council of Algeria has 9 committees. The committees on Legal matters and Administration, Human Rights, Economy and Finance have between 15 to 19 members each. Other committees’ membership ranges from 10 to 15.

The Presiding Officer does not belong to any committee but he and his Deputies can participate in the meetings of any committee without votes.

A committee has the duty to study and analyze the Draft Bills and any other matter and give reports to the chamber for final discussion and assent. Each committee has an office and is composed of the Chairman, Deputy and Rapporteur. The committees are formed based on the mandates given to the Council by the constitution and proportional political party representation is taken into account when forming the committees. The Chairmen of the committees should preferable have a good knowledge of the functions of the committee he is to chair. The Parliamentary groups usually agree on the Chairmen or members of the committees can directly elect them for a period of one year, which can also be extended.

A committee Chairman supervises the committee’s activities for example, setting of the agenda of meetings, chairing committee meetings, choosing a rapporteur.

There are five Political Parties represented but only those that have up to ten members in the chamber can form a Parliamentary group.

The Parties and their representation percentages are as follows:
1. National Democratic Congregate 38%
2. National Liberation Front 23%
3. Peaceful Society Movement 7%
4. National Reform Movement 1%
5. Socialist Activist Movement 1%

The first three Parties formed the Parliamentary group.

The Council has oversight functions on the other organs of Government through the power it has to approve Government programmes and the Scrutinization of Government budget. The Council can also question and investigate Government activities. Foreign Policy is the responsibility of the President of the Republic, but the Council can advise and supervise the performance of the Government in this regard. The Council also supports the Government through Parliamentary diplomacy with the international community. The Council can advise on Principal Political matters like, the dissolution of the first chamber, state of emergency and war matters. It also contributes to the consolidation of stability of the entire system.

The chamber has standing rules for the conduct of its business. The constitution of the country, the basic laws of both chambers show the mandate of the chamber and the relationship between it and the Lower House and Government.

The rules of the Council can be amended upon a proposal by the President of the Council or by at least 30 members of the Council submitted at the Council’s office.
The chamber can control and discipline its members through the implementation of the internal rules.

The law states in article 109 that a member cannot be sued or be questioned for his or her opinion or for the execution of his official duties.

The People’s Council of Algeria is autonomous in staff recruitment. It approves its budget and asks the Government to include it in the Government budget.

Outline of the Structure of the Council are as follows:
1. The General Secretariat
2. The General Directorate of Legislative Affairs
3. General Directorate of Administration and Finance
4. General Directorate of Technical and Mutual Cooperation

There are also other sub Directorates.


Al Ouma Council (Peoples’ Council)
Qaser Zaigoot Yousuf
P.O. Box 66
Zip code 16000
Telephone: 021735900
Fax: 021746024
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
H.E. Mohamed Ould Errachid - chairman of The House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco
H.E. Abdulwasie Yusuf Ali - Secretary General - The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Anwar Al-shoaybi - Director of Cultural and Social Affairs