The Shura Council of the Republic of Yemen

Current Speaker

His Excellency, Mohamed Hussein Al-Aidarous


There are a total of 111 members in the Shoora Council of the Republic of Yemen made up of 109 males and 2 females. All appointed by the President of the Republic of Yemen.
There is no fixed tenure of mandate for members. A member can be removed before the end of the tenure by the President of the country for political reasons. Chamber is convened periodically by a call from the Chairman of the Council. It can only be dissolved by a decree from the President of the Country.
On the relationship with the lower chamber, there are constitutional mandates that both Councils share. The sitting days of the Council is not limited as long as there are issues to be deliberated upon. The law also states that the Council can hold sessions in a year from January to July then September to December.


The Presiding Officer of the Council is known as the Speaker. His tenure is the same as the tenure of the Council. Members of the Council elect him with an absolute majority of votes. The President of the country can also remove him before the end of his tenure or by the Council if he fails to perform properly. In the event of his removal as the Presiding Officer of the Council, he still retains his seat as a member of the Council unless he gets a new appointment. 


There are three other Principal Officers of the namely: Two Deputy Speakers whose official ranks are Deputy Premiers, elected from the Council. The third is the Secretary General of the Council whose official ranking is that of a Minister and is appointed by the President. Other Principal Officers can also be removed either by the Council or by the President of the Republic for the reason of lack of performance or political decisions. 

The Deputies as usual, assist the Speaker in the performance of his duties. The Secretary General oversees the Administrative activities of the Council under the supervision of the Speaker and his Deputies.


He presides over the council’s meetings, clarifies issues and subjects of discussions. Concludes the final results of the council’s discussions and puts them to vote. He also signs agreements and contracts relating to the Shoora Council, refers issues to the committees, speaks on behalf of the Council and executes any mandate given to him by the Council.


The Council runs committee system and has about 13 committees whose number of members’ stretches between 7 and 11. The Speaker of the Council does not belong to any committee. Each committee’s role in the legislative process is enshrined in the Rule of Procedures of the Council. The Council can also assign responsibilities to the committees from time to time. Each committee is structured to have a Chairperson, Deputy and a Rapporteur. The Chairs of the committees are usually elected from amongst the most qualified and experienced members by the members of the committees themselves. Their tenure is the same with the life of the committees. 

The Chairs of the committees have the following as duties:

1. Presiding over the committee meetings
2. Share the activities of the committees.
3. Plans and co-ordinates relations between the committees and the chamber.
4. Inform the committees of any views or ideas put forward by the Council.
5. Approve the minutes of meetings.


There are six Political Parties equally represented in the Chamber as its in the Parliament. 
The Parties are:
1. General People’s Conference
2. Yemen Reform Party
3. Yemen Socialist Party
4. Yemen Unionist Nasirite Party
5. National Baath Party
6. Arab Baath Party

It is pertinent to note here that there are Parties that are not represented in the Parliament yet but they have seats in the Shoora Council.


The Council has no direct oversight functions over the Government but can invite the Prime Minister, his Deputies and the Ministers to attend the sessions as observers.
However, the Council has a constitutional mandate to advice the President on Foreign Policies as well as socio-economic and military issues. Besides, the Council shares with the Parliament, the ratification of accords and treaties.
In addition, the Council can advice on Public strategies relating to economic development plans, democratic process and social plans.
The President of the Republic can also refer issues to the Council for analysis. The Council shares with the parliament the decision on nominating the candidates for the Presidential elections. It also has the mandate to look after the Press, Civil Society Organisations and Local governance.
The Council can study and analyse the reports of the Central Accounts and Auditing Authority. The Council has two standing rules for its business, the Rule of Procedures and the Financial and Bonus Rules.
The constitution also specifies the relationship between the chamber and other arms of Government. There is also the Rules of Procedures of the Shoora Council and the Parliament and other laws that govern the relationship.
The Council can also amend or suspend its rules by a decree from the President of the Republic. Members of the Council are controlled within the legal framework under which the Council operates.
On immunity, a member cannot be questioned for the information he has or he knows. He also cannot be held accountable for his own opinion. The Council is also autonomous in the recruitment of staff but with certain rules. The political leadership is also involved in staff matters within its mandate.
The Council usually suggests its budget but the final approval is shared with the Ministry of Finance.
The structure of the Council is such that gives the General Secretariat the duty of overseeing the following General Departments:

1. General Directorate for Committees.
2. General Directorate for Council’s Sessions
3. General Directorate for Finance
4. General Directorate for Personnel
5. Directorate for Legal Affairs
6. Secretary General’s Office

The Speaker’s Office is in charge of:

1. Speaker’s Office Director
2. Technical Office
3. Deputy Director’s Office
4. Speaker’s Secretariat
5. Public Relations and Protocol Department


The Shoora Council 
P.O. Box 23065
Telephones: 00967-1-227815/4
Fax: 00967-1-560390
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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