Council of States of Sudan

Current Speaker

Dr. Omer Suleiman Adam.

Information  on Council of States

 Formation of the National Legislature:       

             Article 83 of the Constitution stipulates that: National legislature comprises both of the  following houses:

(a)      National Assembly.

(b)      Council of States

 Text of the  Constitution Article 117(2) on formation of a national legislature:

Pending conduct of elections, the President of the Republic appointed representatives of states in the Council after consultation within the framework of the presidency.   Representatives of Southern States were appointed on recommendation of the head of government of Southern Sudan after consultation with relevant institutions of the States.

Article 91(1) of the Interim Constitution stipulates that: the National legislative body with its two houses represents people’s determination.  Imperative, thus, that it consolidate national unity, accomplish legislation on national level, monitor the executive and promote decentralized governance.

The Constitution laid down in Article (2) above that the national legislative body discharges its duties in joint meetings chaired by the Speaker National Assembly. The  Speaker of the Council of States is deputy.  Each of the two houses functions, as specified in the Constitution, in autonomous separate meetings.  The Constitution, as well specifies that each of the national legislative body and each of its two independent houses should have its own autonomous regulations. 


 Functions of the Council :

                                      In the field of abiding by principles in the course of implementation: Article (22) of Constitution lays down that principles envisaged in Constitution are principal for governance.  The state is obliged to follow and adhere to it when formulating policies and laws.

             Article 4(a) of the Constitution stipulates, “The unity of the Sudan is based on the free will of its people, rule of law, democratic and decentralized governance, accountability, equity, respect and equality”.  We find, as well, that Article 25(c) of the Constitution involves the same principles from  “Realization of good governance through democracy, transparency, accountability and rule of law on all levels of governance, so as to re-enforce permanent peace”.  Comprehensive Peace Agreement relies on this principle in that no-enforcement of permanent peace accrues via successful implementation of comprehensive peace agreement and taking care of aforesaid principles.  This ultimately leads to model governance in the Sudan and makes unity attractive with the security, equity during peace period.  Thus a good harvest is reaped which should be the objective of all.

             There then comes the role of the Council in looking after and contributing in the implementation of these principles.  This is when delegating and distributing powers between all levels of governance assuring that this is democratically done by allowing a chance for wide participation that helps in decision making.  This is feasible through the composition of the Council in that it represents all states of the Sudan.  It is also feasible through transparency and accountability by legislative monitoring represented in the statements of national ministers, requests for information, questions and urgent subjects and other parliamentary ways and means.  If adopted properly, the Council, certainly, would have contributed in achieving values and clarity and cleanness in public life and better still rule of law thereby limiting and eliminating corruption and preventing misuse of power and at the same time manifesting in other good values.

  In the Field of Decentralized Governance:

             The Constitution assigned the Council of States an original task viz. taking the lead in the field of national legislation on the system of decentralized governance and other major issues of interest and significance to the states.  This is with the object of attaining development and rendering public services with equality and equity, thereby enhancing decentralization of power and decision making.

             Better still, the Constitution awarded the Council the right of amending draft laws that affect adversely the interest of states and which are passed to it by joint standing committee of both houses in accordance with Article 912\((5)(b) of the Constitution.  It is to be presented directly to the President of the Republic without referring it back to the National Assembly.  The procedure confirms the fact that the Council of States, alone, possesses the original task of legislation on decentralized governance system.

             The Council is empowered also to issue resolutions and directives on the system of decentralized governance to guide all levels of government in conformity with Articles 25, 25, 26 of the Constitution.

             With reference to Articles 25, 26 of the Constitution concerning decentralized governance, we find that it points out principles to be followed as per Constitution when delegating powers and distributing them between different levels – also principles to be followed when exercising the system of decentralized governance are original principles with regard to effective and fair rule.

 In The Field of Development and Public Services:


            The Constitution laid down that services are rendered through states governance which exercise power on the level of the states throughout the Sudan.  General services are rendered through the level nearest to the citizens.

             Because development and services do not materialize except by money, the Constitution laid down guide-line principles for fair division of wealth on the basis of:-

  1. Sharing of resources and wealth on fair basis.
  2. Enabling all levels of governance to carry out constitutional and legal duties.
  3. Fair sharing of financial resources between other states of the Sudan.
  4. Sharing of wealth and public resources on the understanding that all regions of the Sudan are entitled to development.
  5. Abiding strictly by delegation of powers and decentralized decision making with regard to development and public services and all other affairs of governance in so far as fair distribution of wealth and resources are concerned.

 We find that the Council will contribute in looking after these principles by strictly adopting it when formulating policies regarding development and rendering of services so as to ascertain fairness all over the Sudan.  This is by presenting recommendations and propositions in this respect when participating in the deliberation of the address of the President of the Republic before the national legislative body and by monitoring development through monitoring National Fund for the construction and Development and through reports submitted by the fund which the Council considers and issues whatever reports the Council thinks appropriate. Furthermore, the Council contributes through participation in the study of draft law allocating resources and revenues presented to the national legislative body at the beginning of each financial year for approval by the legislative body comprising both houses.  Likewise, the Council functions in this sphere by the tours and travel of the committees to the states and consequent reports leading to resolutions and directives that guide the state in the formulation of general policies and national legislation in different spheres and particularly with regard to development and general services.

 In the Field of Ratification of Petroleum Contracts:

             The Sudan is now deeply involved in the field of petroleum exploration and production.  The Constitution referred to the ideal ways and means as to how to manage and develop petroleum sector.  The most important of that is sustainable utilization of petroleum in so far as compatible with national interest, public interest, the interest of affected states, and the interest of local population in the regions concerned and national policies for environment.

            commission for petroleum There is a provision in the Constitution stating that a national commission is to be set up and its composition specified and functions.  The Council of States is assigned the duty of considering objectives, if any, to its resolutions regarding ratification of contracts and discovery and production of petroleum.  In the case of any objection on the part of the representatives of states producing petroleum or where discovered, the matter is referred to the Council of States for arbitration and resolution that preserve and safeguard the right of petroleum producing states.

 In case of National Legislature Based on Religion or Norms:

             In the case of national legislature based on religion or norms already existing or forthcoming, as is the case in Southern Sudan, and in case the majority of population in the state do not embrace that religion or norm, the Constitution laid down that the states in this case may enact a legislation of their own or else pass the legislature to the Council of States for approval by a majority of two-thirds of representatives or else start a process of enacting a national legislature befitting the state.

 :In the Sphere of Other Constitutional Functions 

The council is competent in approval of constitutional court judges appointments and their deposition , with the majority of the two thirds of all representatives.

   In the field of contacts with state legislative assemblies and states:        

This takes effect through representation of states representatives by reflecting worries and difficulties of the states in the Council and voicing grievances in decision making center and through performance of their duties in the Council by paying attention to the interest of the states when formulating policy and planning in all spheres, also through participation in conflict resolution, resettlement, rehabilitation and tackling the question of displacement in such a way as to realize co-existence and comprehensive peaceful co-existence.

 In the field of foreign contacts with parliamentary unions and similar institutions:

             Regulations stipulate that the Council maintains relations with countries that adopt the system of two houses so as to benefit from these relations in all spheres.  The Council, as well, has the right of representation viz. national legislative body in various parliamentary unions as representatives of Council of States in foreign participation.

In the Field of Principles Relating to Human Rights:

             The Council is interested in preserving human rights in conformity with the charter of rights and freedoms embodied in the Constitution particularly with regard to fairness in achieving development and rendering services and other rights e.g. re-settlement, rehabilitation and tackling questions of displacement and to safeguard basic freedoms based on recognition of diversity, respect of religious heritage on any other creed or norm or values relating thereto.


             It is to be noted that the Constitution is particular about laying down guidelines of principles in all spheres and fields of public life.  The state is committed to follow when enacting legislations and formulating policies.  All levels of governance are obliged to adhere to and respect these guidelines when exercising power.  Because the system of governance is based on decentralization and devolution of powers and on decentralized decision making, we find that the Constitution allocated an important chapter for decentralized governance wherein it pointed out basic principles for delegation of powers and distribution thereof between all levels of governments.  It, as well, pointed out the links between all levels of governance and demanded respect and safeguard thereof

             We find that the highest and best principles the Constitution embodied are those that lead to fair distribution of wealth.  It stipulated that it should be divided proportionately so as to enable all parts to fulfill constitutional and legal duties.  The objective is to dignify citizens and raise their standard of living without discrimination.  Distribution of wealth should be on the bases that each part of the Sudan has a right to develop and enjoy essential services.

             The principle of sharing wealth culminated in an important matter viz. delegation of power and decentralization of decision making and general conduct of public affairs.  Development of sustainable infrastructure, and ability to answer the needs of the people should all be in a framework liable to accountability and transparency.  As such, the Constitution compelled the state to adopt the best exercise so far known in managing sustainable natural resources and monitoring thereof.

             With these  clear constitutional texts and high values, the Constitution has, as such, covered and recognized all rights and particularly the right of Sudanese citizens in dignity and justice.  These rights are accorded as per these important principles which the constitution empowered the Council of States to implement and take care of particularly when formulating policies relating to centralized governance – also when exercising monitoring power through ways and means specified by the Constitution and the regulations.  It goes without saying that it is  a big task.  If the Council could perform, it will thus have awarded the states their right in resources and wealth sharing and consequently achieve development and public service and wipe out discrepancies between the center and the states.  Grievances and the sense of marginalization will vanish.  Not only that but wars and conflicts will, in consequence, disappear.

Administrative Structure:

 Passing the organizational structure of the Council of States Secretariat General for the year 2005 as follows:

1-  The speaker to be followed by:

Deputies of the Speaker.

Secretary General.

Legal Advisor.

The Speaker Executive Office.

2-  The Secretary General to be followed by Deputy and supervises over:

Executive Office.

Protocol Unit.

Security Unit.

Technical, administrative and financial affairs administration.

Information, and  public relations.

Information, researches and library administration.

Legal Administration:

 According to principles and proposed organizational structure the report is segmented to three parts:-

(1)  Duties and responsibilities of the Secretariat General for the Council of States.

(2)The organization chart for the Council of States.

(3)The proposed job organizational structure and its financial cost.

3-The Secretariat General of the Council of States consist of  Secretary General, his deputy and the administration following each and responsibilities and duties of which is envisaged among the Secretary General duty which is:

Preparation for the council sittings by calling up representative through any appropriate means.

 Preparation of agenda approved by the Speaker and distributing it together with any bills statements, papers or other attachment.

Monitoring the attendance and absence of the representatives, as well as the order of their seating, the required quorum for a sitting voting, follow up of their affairs and relations for facilitation of the performance of representation duties.

Supervision over the editing of the council records, and all its affairs in general.

Supervision over the employees of the council and its financial, administrative and security affairs as well as follow up the relation of the council with other administrative authorities.

 The legal advisor:

The Legal Advisor shall carry out his functions under directives and supervision of the Speaker, to whom the legal administration is affiliated to technically and affiliated to Secretary General administratively, his responsibilities and duties is are follows:

1-  To give advice to the Speaker the Council committees and its General Secretariat.

2- To follow up the legislative procedures inside the Council and coordination with the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and other relevant organs of the state connected with the said procedures.

3- To conduct comparative studies and researches related to parliamentary procedures council representatives in writing their legislative and control initiatives.

4-Drafting final resolution and directives of the Council and the Speaker.

 Executive office of the Speaker of the Council:

Collect information and data in order to help the Speaker and his deputies for decision making.

Drafting formal declarations note drafts minutes and reports in coordination with concerned bodies.

Follow up resolution and directive execution issued by the Speaker’s and deputies and preparation of periodical reports.

Receive and issue the communications and fulfillment of required information.

Fulfillment of printing, copying work of the Speaker’s office and his deputies.

Executive office of Secretary General:

Fulfillment of Secretary work of the specialized committees.

Receive and issue correspondence.

Follow up the studies and researches of the participant delegations of the national and international conferences in accordance with the related administration.

Collect information and data in order to help in decision making.

Parliamentary Affairs Secretariat:

Supervised by the Secretary General and consist of the following:

Committee Business administration.

Council business administration in different sections.

 Tasks and functions of Committee Business Administration:

Fulfillment of  Secretary work of specialized Committee.

Preparation for committee meetings, arrangements of field visits in accordance with specialized administration.

(A) 1-  Undertake Secretarial work for specialized committees.

2-   Prepare for committee meetings, arrange field visits in coordination with specialized administrations.

3-   Draft reports and follow up execution.

4-  Provide committees with information in coordination with administration of information, research and library.

(B) Responsibilities and duties of  Council Business Administration:

Record minutes of the council sittings, the committees meetings and preparations of the minutes in the final from.

Translation to foreign languages (English).

Supervise preparation of the conference hall.

Attendance and absence of  members.

Preparing agenda and distributing it to members. And different state bodies.

Supervision over, preparation and distribution of documents to members.

 Protocols Units:

Carry out of protocol business: reception, and to see the delegations off.

Accompany visiting delegations, following up of their accommodation and looking in coordination with concerned bodies.

Arrangement of the delegations travel procedures.

Follow up of formal festivals, conferences, symposium.

Covering of council leadership activities.

Coordination with the concerned bodies to secure protocol services for the council leaders and members during public occasions.

 Internal Auditing Unit:

Posts of this section are filled by auditors transferred from the general administration of internal auditing for the state organs. Its duties and responsibilities are summarized in auditing financial expenditure, account dealings, records, books, recording to verify the correctness of financial data and to what extent laws and financial regulations enforced in the state are followed.

 Department of Information and Public Relations:

1-  Preparation of information activities and their implementation.

2- Media coverage for council activities and its specialized committees by photographic and T.V photographing together with comment thereon or news, in co-ordination with the audio, visual, and read media.

3-   Follow up of what is broadcasted  by external and internal media on council activities and submission of a report thereon and replying to them in coordination with the leadership of the Council.

4-   Issuance of information bulletins on council activities in accordance with the directive of the Speaker and the Secretary General.

5- Preparation for conferences, symposiums, interviews and their documentation.

6- Promotion of the social relations among staff of the Secretariat General.

7- Promote council relations with internal and external institutions.

8-  Promotion of social relations among council representatives.

Department of Information, Research and Library:

1-  Preparation and implementation of plans and programs of scientific research in co-operation with the specialized committees and the relevant departments.

2- Preparation of reports on council achievements and its specialized committees at the end of each session and to publish them in co-ordination with information and public relations department.

3-Establishment of data bank and use of modern technical equipments and tools in co-operation with the relevant bodies.

4-Collection of documents and official instruments and to classify and index, in addition to rendering of services to researchers to facilitate reading  in response to the official and popular bodies need.

5-Provision of the library with sources of information and supervise buying and borrowing and other library services.

6- Measuring of public opinion.

Department of Financial Administrative and Technical Affairs:

1-Preparation of council draft budget in cooperation with the departments and sections and participation in discussing it with the Minister of Finance.

2- Preparation of Internal and External training plan of the staff.

3-Setting of the policies and plans pertaining to the department activities.

4-Direct supervision of the financial, accountancy administrative performance in the Council Secretariat.

5- Supervision over building maintenance and the equipments such as computers and others and to modernize and develop them.

6- Maintenance of cars of the Secretariat General and provision of spare parts.

7-Giving technical advice to the Secretary General in what concerns financial, administrative and technical affairs.

 Legal Department:

1- Assistance of the council legal advisor in carrying out the tasks assigned to him/her in accordance with article (21/2) of the Council of States (conduct of business) regulations 2005.

2- Represent the council Secretariat before the Attorneys and courts in the cases of which the Secretariat General is party.

3-Preparation of the contracts of the Secretariat General with other bodies after authenticating their procedure.

 Council’s leadership:

Dr. Omer Suleiman Adam.

, Speaker.

Professor Ismail Al-Haj Moussa, deputy speaker.

Hassan Moussa Sheikh Al-Safi, Secretary General.

 Committees of the Council: -

Committee of Financial  and Economic Affairs

Development and Public Services Committee 

Decentralized governance committee

The Committee  on Peace ,  Reconciliation and National Unity

  The  Legal Affairs Committee 

Political Affairs and External Communications Committee
Council’s Affairs Committee



 Khartoum, Sudan

Um Durman, opposite the National Assembly Headquarters.

 Secretary General:

Phone: 87577931             

fax : 87467968

Secretary General’s assistant for financial and administrative affairs

Phone: 0155258060

Media Bureau:

Phone : 0154949411

email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..s

web site:

People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
H.E. Mohamed Ould Errachid - chairman of The House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco
H.E. Abdulwasie Yusuf Ali - Secretary General - The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Anwar Al-shoaybi - Director of Cultural and Social Affairs